Thomas J. Howley Books

Wolf of Clontarf
When Vikings invaders from across Europe storm into Ireland, her aging king, Brian Boru, must somehow protect his nation. Nordic sagas tell us an obscure and unlikely hero arises to save his people. Wolf the Quarrelsome leaps into history as a nightmare to the Norse and avenger for the Celts. This is Wolf’s story spanning 15 years and leading up to an underrated and arguably most decisive battle of the Middle Ages. It is also the story of a young woman who develops a vast network of female spies and two young Irish men who lead medieval special operations forces.
The Irish, the Vikings and the Foreigners of the World

“A little known but momentous medieval battle and the few years preceding it, along with memorable characters drawn from the Irish annals and Norse sagas will thrill avid fans of historical fiction.”
Steven Pressfield - "The Legend of Bagger Vance"
"Echoes with the explosive clash of axes and swords interwoven with tales of first loves. Howley has delivered an epic of heroic combat, romance and high adventure.”
Mack Maloney - "The Wingman series"
"Weaves a tale full of characters, causes and plots that more than rivals Game of Thrones. And its backdrop is real - the chaotic and complex early medieval world locked in a clash of cultures and values."
S.W. O'Connell - "The Patriot Spy"
"...Norse invaders of Ireland discover that the only thing bigger and more badass than a heavily-armed band of Viking beserkers is a man known only as Wolf the Quarrelsome."
Ben Thompson - Badass of the Week
" In the grand mythmaking tradition of Bernard Cornwell, here is a medieval epic of Irish warriors and Viking raiders, filled with high adventure, bursting with characters, and bathed in the atmosphere of ancient Ireland."
William Martin - "Bound for Gold"
"This is a rare book. If I tell you every part of it, you'll still read it. One of the best books I ever read about a battle most know nothing about despite directly impacting our lives today."
Task Force Gryphon - Commander Cobra